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Comrade Prachanda…


New Democratic Party


59/3 Waidya Road Contact: S-47, 3rd Floor, CCSM Complex

Dehiwela, Sri Lanka Colombo 11, Sri Lanka


Phone: ++ 94 71 4302909; +94 77 9774427 Fax: ++ 94 11 2473757


17th August 2008


Comrade Prachanda

Chairman, Central Committee

Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)


Dear Comrades

You have succeeded in your struggle of over a decade to rid Nepal of its monarchy and to establish a democratic republic. We, as Sri Lankan Marxist Leninists, join you with fraternal feelings of solidarity in celebrating that great victory, and send you our congratulations and greetings.

The New Democratic Party warmly greets the success of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) at the elections to the Constitutional Council and subsequently for the post of Prime Minister. The election of Comrade Prachanda to the post of Prime Minister by securing 464 votes is a victory of the approach and tactics adopted by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist).

The experiences of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and its Central Committee during the past twelve years in adopting armed struggle, mass uprisings and united front tactics in accordance with conditions prevailing in Nepal are very valuable. The lessons offered by them are a boon to revolutionary parties based on Marxism Leninism Mao Zedong Thought for the 21st Century.

Experience shows, however, that the United States of America and the Indian ruling classes striving, respectively, for global domination and regional hegemony will keep trying to topple the Maoist government in Nepal. The defeated local reactionary forces will not step aside and cease to function. Therefore, progress is possible only through facing new problems in the way that challenges have been faced thus far. The Central Committee of the New Democratic Party announces fraternally that the New Democratic Party joins the Marxist Leninist revolutionary parties of the world in the faith that the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) will under the conditions be firm in its stand based on Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought and in expressing its proletarian international solidarity and greetings to Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist).

The New Democratic Party expresses its revolutionary wishes to the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and its leader Comrade Prachanda who lead the government of the newly founded Democratic Republic of Nepal for success in drafting the new constitution, establishing New Democracy and advancing towards socialism.




S K Senthivel

General Secretary

New Democratic Party

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